Robin Hood: A Homeschool Math Adventure

2nd Grade Homeschool Math

Homeschooling my twin boys has been such a honor. Writing the curriculum we use made homeschooling so special. It was a way for me to share my heart with them. 

While I do have this curriculum available inside our Etsy store here: Robin Hood Math
I wore the curriculum as a gift to my children. 

We started this course at the beginning of the year during the 2020 pandemic. Robinhood math has two parts. We completed Part 1 before winter break and finished the school year with part two. 

Here is some of the work we did.
The math curriculum was written with a running story of Robin Hood & his Merry Men and Women. Each learning concept accompanies a short chapter of the story. 

Little John
When Robin Hood meets Little John there isn't enough room on the bridge for the two men. After dueling, they both end up on the water. The boys helped the charters jump out of the water on stones ... counting by fives. 
I drew stones on the pavement and they jumped and counted by fives. 

Main Lesson Bookwork

Friar Tuck
The boys learned to count coins with Friar Tuck. 
Dad helps teach our coin lesson. 

Lady Mirian
We learned to tell time.

Weather permitting ... they boys have practiced archery during this block. When we finish, they will be able to shoot their target and add their points using their column adding skills.

This conculded Part 1 of Robinhood Math. 
This math curriculum is given in two parts. Part 1 could be done before winter break and Part 2 after. 

I will make another blog post for the second part of this 2nd Grade Math Curriculum. 🏹


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