Free Waldorf Homeschool Resources

Waldorf Education

The children themselves are this book. We should not learn how to teach out of any book other than the one lying open before us and consisting of the children themselves. Rudolf Steiner ~

If this photograph had sound, you'd hear the most beautiful singing coming from the child painting it. He often sings whilst painting because he is happy. There are no hard lines here to box him in, so he is allowed to let his spirit roam free here without judgement. The result is an outer display of the happiness from within. An important thing to notice here is the flow in which the happiness travels. The happiness is not an external thing, traveling within. It is within the child and flows outwards to singing and painting. 

When you finally realize there are no material objects, persons or any external thing in this world that will make you happy, you will look within. Then you will find it.

No Child Left Behind

The Waldorf pedagogy is an inclusive one and that is why it works and has been for one hundred years. You don't have to be in a certain social, religious or economic group to participate. Everyone is included.

Free Waldorf Resources

I've compiled a list of free Waldorf resources for homeschoolers and teachers here. I'll do my best to check back often and make sure these links still work and add as needed.

* Rudolf Steiner Archive & e.Lib
    free Rudolf Steiner literatures

    books and eBooks about Waldorf education (many of these are free for download)

    a beautiful collection of verses 

    loads of Main Lesson pages and Lesson plans 

    online books for nature stories

    massive folktale archive

Waldorf Inspirations
    lesson plans for the grades and much more

The Waldorf Approach to Mathematics Teaching in Grade 1 & 2
    complete math for grades 1 & 2

Waldorf Curriculum
    lesson plans and much more

For more Waldorf Homeschooling ideas, be sure and check out our shop!



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