Space Science: A Christian Home School Study

It is important to give credit where credit is due. Ask any artist how offensive it is when someone else takes credit for their work. That's why teaching my children about who the author and creator of the universe is important to us. 

"O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ... When I consider thy heavens, the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained." Psalms 8:1 and 3

Home School Curriculum

For this unit we are using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum. The best part about it .... we got ours F.R.E.E. for download. It isn't for free anymore, but the PDF is still super C.H.E.A.P ... which is the next best thing to free. Get it here: Space Science

☆ The Good & the Beautiful is a Non-denominational Christian curriculum that we have come to love very much!

• The book that we are reading alongside the unit is, "Space: God's Majestic Handiwork" by Susan Windsor 
This book is perfect! It prepares children to hear about "The Big Bang Theory" and explains that we do do not believe everything just happened by accident. I highly recommend this book.

Our Home School Science Journals

The first thing we did was put together our Science Journals. They are a three ring binder with notebook paper and blank paper inside. Then, the boys painted a nice cover. They are always happy when we get the paints out. 

Unit One we learned about our Solar System. I had cards with each planet on them and the boys took turns ordering them. Each, child drew a picture of the Solar System inside their Science Journal accompanied by a definition. We also started our read aloud book. Several years ago, I started reading to the children during lunch. Each day, we read a few pages from it. 

Unit Two: We learned about our Galaxy, The Milky Way. The boys painted it on watercolor paper with acrylics. The background was layed one day and the top layer the next. We tapped them inside their Science Journals accompanied with the definition of a galaxy. 

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 

This school year we are memorizing Bible verses and the one on our board during our Space Unit was perfect! 

We are using the "Jesus Storybook Bible" by Sally Llyod-Jones for our stories. To help us track our progress of scripture memorization, I made the boys this cute form. They love getting stickers! ♡ If you would like this form for your child, you can download it here:

I will continue to update on our Science Unit as we go along. 

Thinking Ahead for our Next Science ... and getting it FREE.

☆ The Good & the Beautiful is updating their curriculum this year. For now, they have their Marine Biology unit FREE for download. Here


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