Lemon Balm Cone Flower Immunity Booster

"This herb should be kept in every gentlewoman's house…it causeth the mind and heart to become merry and driveth away troublesome cares."  17th-century herbalist Culpeper ~

Our Lemon Balm Cone Flower Herbal Immunity Booster

A good herbalist will find many uses for one plant. Not that I like to consider myself a herbalist .. I despise labels! At any rate, lemon balm and cone flower both have immunity boosting properties. I have had this immunity boosting medicine in the works for some time now. It is lemon balm and cone flower and child safe. I plan on starting the twins on this in the fall in preparation of the colder months.


Our Lemon Balm is homegrown on our homestead. These are two year plants. Lemon Balm is easy to grow and does well in most soil. Our Lemon Balm was one of the first herbs planted in our garden.

Cone flower is still in the works here. The ones we used to make our immunity booster were sent to us from some dear friends. Native Americans have been using cone flowers for a very long time and they grow wild in some places.

To make: fill a mason jar full of lemon balm and cone flowers. Pour vegetable glycerin into the jar, filling it about three quarters full. For medicine I plan on giving to the children, I use vegetable glycerin as a binding agent for the tinctures. Don't want to get the littles drunk. lol. The glycerin is actually sweet tasting. So, the littles love it. They actually ask me to take their herbs daily!

Put your jar in a dark place and let it sit for at least six weeks. About every other day, give your jar a good shake!

When it is finished, strain the herbs threw a muslin bag to separate the herbs from the liquid. Then, funnel the medicine into glass amber jars.

Our family take a dropper of this immunity booster each morning.

Happenings Around the Homestead

Work hard, play hard. We've got to get the chores done before we play. 

Saturday afternoon I spent all day in the kitchen again, peeling and canning 10 pounds of apples. There is a serious Science to canning. I mean, you could open up a can of food 10 years latter and stay alive with it. Well, you are either going to stay alive or die from food poisoning. 😂 Canning has to be done %100 correct or the food will get bacteria on it. Giving someone food poisoning is counter intuitive to keeping them alive. So, you really have to pay attention! I am following the Ball Canning Guides 

A Homestead Bonfire

Just for fun ... check out  

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